2019 © Shell Global Solutions

Shell DO-748 Deoxygenation Catalyst:

A De-risked Gas Purification Catalyst Offering Peace of Mind for Renewable (Green) Hydrogen Producers

Renewable hydrogen, obtained from an electrolyser using renewable energy, could decarbonise industrial sectors and transport across Europe, reaching maturity over the next three decades. The hydrogen produced in this way requires purifying to remove traces of oxygen, but the intermittency of energy supply can challenge the catalyst.

Shell DO-748 deoxygenation catalyst is designed for the purification of hydrogen gas produced electrolytically from renewable sources.

Download our fact sheet to learn more about how: 

  • Shell Catalysts & Technologies developed a sophisticated proprietary kinetic model and subjected the catalyst to a comprehensive series of tests that confirmed its performance.
  • Ongoing improvements to Shell DO-748 have recently helped to significantly reduce the catalyst volume and noble metal weight per reactor fill.
  • Other third-party customers are currently evaluating the technology for deployment in their projects.

This white paper explores how Shell DO-748 can operate in a stable way when exposed to fast swings in both gas flow rate and temperature, and is robust under frequent shutdown and restart conditions. 

Fill out the form to access the white paper. 

De-Oxo Catalyst fact shet


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