
Complex FCCPT/FCC Performance Gains Through an Integrated Approach

Slides - FCC webcast v0_13 (002).pptx

Discover how Shell Catalysts & Technologies enables global refiners to optimize operations through an integrated, holistic approach to the FCCPT/FCC complex.

Explore how integrated FCC Pretreat and FCC units lead to operational performance gains such as:  

  • Accurately predicting product lifecycle
  • Increasing operation reliability
  • Protecting from foulants 
  • Improving product quality 
  • Reducing shutdowns

Processing advantaged FCC feedstock can be economically attractive, but its quality can challenge unit operations. Closely tied with the upstream FCC Pretreat unit, optimizing FCC operation, margin and reliability requires an integrated approach. This session will discuss the “One-Team” holistic approach to optimizing the FCC Pretreat/FCC complex from an owner/operator point of view.

Access the webinar to learn how you could optimize FCC operations, margins and reliability through an integrated approach.

Access the webinar today