
Next-Level Hydrocracker Flexibility

Unlocking high performance

Volatile margins remain a significant part of refiners’ futures, which remain uncertain. In a competitive fuels commodities market, refiners continue to look for ways to process feedstock and add flexibility to their current hydrocrackers.

There are three emerging options refiners can take, which include:

  • Processing heavier, cheaper crudes;
  • Processing non-standard feeds; and
  • Exploiting the enhanced margins in lubricant base oils or petrochemicals in some markets.

In this resource, you will better understand each option and explore how integrated line-ups can maximise hydrocracker flexibility. Additionally, learn from crucial case studies focusing on Hyundai’s HVU-hydrocracker-base oils value chain and Grupa LOTOS’ unlocking of potential DAO hydrocracking.

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Next-Level Hydrocracker Flexibility


Discover how to enhance refinery margins by $5/barrel.

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